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Looking for Housemate(s)

Status: 46 year old female seeking friendship
Location: Shrewsbury, Shropshire
Member: NF026030
Height: n/a

Hey. I'm both extrovert and introvert, have lots of experience with people in the UK and Hawaii, and need a friend(s) I can sustainably live with (can rent) for company and safety having just recently relocated from Hawaii to UK. I’m currently staying with friends, not long-term. Would love to video chat with and eventually meet people from this site with similar plans and see what destiny holds! I can long-term offer bills/rent/housesitting with someone who has space. My main activities are speaking with people all over the world in my profession as a remote ESL tutor, qigong, yoga, meditation, cycling, nature walks, good food & juicing, foraging, laughing and learning as much as I can about everything. I’m part of great online groups such as Thrive Movement, YOQI, Gene Keys and Resonance Science Foundation and hope to attend WOMAD every year now I’m back in the UK. Life Plan: ‘to thrive not just survive’ and enjoy and cherish friendships, some of which I’ve yet to make! My health and well-being suffers greatly around non-natural vapors/smells, such as un-organic synthetic cleaning products and laundry detergents and so I’m looking to magic my way into the auras of people who live the same eco-harmonious, natural, organic, healthy, enlivened lifestyle. If we can share the same washing machine, we’d be a great match! I’m also a voice artiste and calling in opportunity to live with other voice artistes, as sharing studio space/creative time is a great way to build friendship and enterprise. Namaste, Equator.

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